A library card is required for borrowing materials. In addition to Auburn Public Library cards, we accept Lewiston Public Library cards, and cards from libraries participating in the Maine Reciprocal Borrowing program.
Library cards are not transferable and you are responsible for the use of your card. Please report lost or stolen cards so that we can prevent unauthorized use. Library cards are issued for one year and can be renewed each year. A printable registration form can be found here.
Most items are loaned for three weeks with some exceptions noted below. The Library does not charge late fees, but overdue items on your account will restrict the use of your card. Accounts over 60 days overdue may be subject to a $12 Collection Agency Recovery fee.
The library does not keep track of items you have borrowed, as a privacy issue. If you would like to track your reading history, you may opt in to that service when you are signed into your account. Please read the disclosure before choosing this option.

Loan Periods and Fees
Books, magazines, music, and games
- 21 day loan
- Limit of 5 magazines and 10 music CDs
- May be renewed twice, except for magazines which cannot be renewed
Popular Videos and Audiobooks
- 14 day loan for movies, 21 day loan for audiobooks and television series
- Limit of 10 items
- $1 charge per video (no charge for audiobooks)
- No renewals for videos, Audiobooks may be renewed twice
Online Requests (In network: Minerva and Mainecat)
- 21 day loan
- May be renewed once
- Limit of 10 requests
Interlibrary Loans (out of network-not available through Minerva or Mainecat)
- $10 charge per item
- Limit of 3 requests
- Loan period will be set by the lending library
Other Materials
Teacher Book Bags: Teachers or individuals who work with children may borrow children’s books in a book bag quantity for classroom use. These “teacher book bags” are loaned for a period of 6 weeks.
Library of Things: While many “things'' have a three week loan rule, equipment, museum passes and other specialized items will have individualized loan rules. Please ask us for more information.
Library Use Only Material: Some materials are kept for use in the library only, including some reference and genealogy material, newspapers, and the most recent issue of a magazine title.
The Library may restrict the number of items checked out on one subject.
Your Privacy Matters
Library registrations and transactions are kept in the strictest of confidence. The library will not acknowledge to a third party that an individual or organization has a library card unless legally required to do so by an authorized law enforcement agency. For more information, please see our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.