Claims Returned or Claims Never Had

It sometimes happens that library customers report they have already returned, or never checked out, an item the library circulation system indicates is checked out to them. In these cases, in accordance with the Library’s role as steward of library materials, library staff will make every attempt to determine the disposition of the item.

Claims Returned

When customers report they have returned an item the library circulation system indicates is still checked out to them, the staff person on duty will check the shelf for the item. If the item is found on the shelf, the library will waive any overdue fines that have accrued in the system for the item. If the item is not found on the shelf, the staff person will encourage the customer to look for the item again.

If the customer still cannot find the item and still claims the item was returned, the item will be set to “claims returned” in the system. This will not affect the customer’s borrowing privileges.

In the end, if the fate of the item cannot be clearly ascertained, the library will rule in favor of the customer.

The Library reserves the right to track the number of “claims returned” reports made by a customer within a given time period and take this information into account if this claim is made repeatedly.

Claims Never Had

As in cases of “claims returned,” if the fate of an item cannot be clearly determined, the library will rule in favor of the customer.

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